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PowerPro Sales Processing

The Sales form is an extremely powerful and versatile utility.  This form allows you to enter sales with an unlimited number of line items.  Additionally, you can specify delivery information, payment terms, lookup products in stock to add as line items, record notes that can be optionally printed on the invoice, enter customer payment or account charge data, specify a different person or company for Bill To information (very useful for warranty work), print or preview invoices and more.  You can also lookup previous sales for reference or to reprint an invoice.

Sales Entry


Everything you need to quickly process sales is right at your fingertips.  The Customer Name, Phone, Ship To, and Bill To information is automatically filled-in from the customer database!  The Ship To and Bill To can be different if desired.  You can specify the Shipping Method and enter reminder notes if needed.

Notice the RO#, MU#, F&I# and SO# fields.

bulletRO# is present when this sale was generated as a result of a Repair Order or Service Ticket
bulletMU# is present when this sale is associated with a Major Unit (big ticket item such as car, boat, motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile, etc..)
bulletF&I# is present when items are being financed.  This is the Finance Contract Number
bulletSO# is present when this sale is delivering an item that was backordered (Special Order Number)

PowerPro allows you to easily sell Major Units, Parts, and Accessories on the same invoice.  Even if an invoice was generated from a Repair Order, additional line items can be added as needed when the customer picks up their unit.

As line items are added, the Sub-Total, Tax and Total are automatically calculated.  Additionally, for Special Order items, the proper Deposit amount is automatically calculated.  Special Order items and Delivered items are handled on the same invoice.  Up to three different taxes can be defined to handle most any situation.

The MicroFiche Interface allows line items to be added directly to an invoice from both FicheFinder and PartSmart with the click of a button.

When a sale is posted, two copies of the invoice are printed automatically, one for the customer and one for your accounting records if desired.  The second copy of the invoice can optionally be sent to a different printer, one that sits in the back office!

PowerPro also supports barcode scanning and printing.  We can recommend affordable high quality barcode scanners and printers that allow you to further optimize the processing of counter sales.

Cash drawers are also supported.  The cash drawer is automatically opened when a sale is posted.  Plus, detailed reports let you know the amount of cash that should be in every drawer at the end of the business day.

  It's easy with PowerPro!

Sales Processing
Sell Parts, Accessories,  Major Units and Labor with ease, all from the Sales form.
Detailed Reports
Detailed sales reports can help you understand what you are selling and when!

Our cost accounting allows you to understand exactly what you are making off of each sale! 

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[SoftCom Technologies]
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