Management System

Price List
Utility for

Text Blaster
Automated Text Messages
Outdoor Power
| Price List Import for QuickBooks
Text Blaster
New Mobile Site
PowerPro DMS - New Mobile


Let our
Forward-Looking Innovation, Research and Development work for you.
Our Powersports Dealer Management Software, Outdoor Power
Software, QuickBooks Price Import Utility, and CRM
Solutions help you achieve greater efficiency and
increased profitability by stream-lining your business processes. In today's economy,
Business Process Optimization is
essential to increased profits. Our Products and Services
help you achieve this goal without costing a fortune, empowering you to realize a positive return on investment
within a shorter timeframe.
Our products serve many industries:
Outdoor Power Equipment, Tire, Auto Repair, Rental, General Retail, Auto, HVAC,
Service-based Businesses, etc...
Our software will
In-the-Cloud! You decide which option
best meets your needs. Feel free to browse around and see why our products and services
are the best value on the market. We also offer
Easy Financing!
Give us a call to discuss your needs!

Text Blaster Utility - Stay in touch!
The Text Blaster Utility is an Automated Text Messaging
product that allows you to schedule Appointment Reminders,
Recommended Service Reminders, Sales Announcements and more!
Staying in touch with your customers and increased revenue just got
a lot easier! To get started, call 800.716.5211
Attention QuickBooks Users - Save Time and Money!
The Price List Utility for QuickBooks Users (QBPrices) is now
available! Update your QuickBooks Inventory directly from the
Manufacturer's Price List
while preserving stock levels and other attributes!
PowerPro DMS (Dealer Management System)
* Text Messaging Feature Added (Send Text Message to Single or Multiple
* On-Line Warranty Registration Feature Added
* Payroll Module Added
Equipment Rentals Feature is now Available!
* Define all your Rental Equipment within PowerPro
* Schedule Rentals by the Hour, Day, Week, Month, etc...
* Easily review Equipment Availability to Expedite Scheduling &
* Print Customized Rental Contracts with your Logo and Rental
* Track the Customer associated with each Rental Reservation
* Track Rental Hours & Fees associated with each piece of Equipment
* Track Maintenance History for each piece of Equipment
* Collect a Rental Deposit at time of reservation if desired
* Collect the Rental Fee at time of Pickup or upon Equipment Return
* This module is very flexible and some customization options are
WebSales Integration Utility for PowerPro DMS is now Available!
* This utility allows you to easily import sales from your e-Commerce
Website into PowerPro DMS.
* Easily import sales from eBay, ProStores, and others...
* Automatically updates Stock Levels of items sold.
* Automatically updates the General Ledger.
* Tracks money owed to you by PayPal for auction site sales.
* View detailed reports of your websales.
PriceFile Manager for PowerPro DMS is now Available!
* This utility makes it very easy to keep your pricefiles current.
* Automatically downloads updated pricefiles based on a pre-defined
* Automatically applies the updated pricefiles to ensure your Price and
Cost information is current.
* Download Schedule can be configured for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc...
* Allows you to view a detailed history of pricefiles downloaded and
PowerPro DMS now supports Multiple Dealer Locations Linked
This new capability offers a high-end solution for the most
demanding needs! By using
Microsoft SQLServer as the Backend Database,
PowerPro DMS can handle hundreds, even thousands of users.
Additionally, it allows you to use PowerPro DMS to access your
business data from anywhere, including another city, state, even
from another country. It also allows you to consolidate the
database server(s) of all your dealerships at a central location or
data center if desired. Plus, you can allow each dealership to
view Stock Levels at their partner dealerships and even process
transactions on the partner dealer's system if you so desire.
Dealerships can be linked together even if each dealer has their own
database server on-location. PowerPro DMS supports all of the
following versions of SQLServer, and can even utilize a mixture of
versions: SQLServer2000, 2005, and 2008. Give us a call
to learn more!
PowerPro DMS now Integrates with Toro's Dealer Partner Website
and Master Parts Viewer!
* Easily view Parts Diagrams and Download Selected Parts directly into a
Sale, Repair Order, Estimate, or PO
* Upload Purchase Orders directly to the Toro OMS (Order Management
System) with just a few mouse clicks
* Helps Toro Dealers work more efficiently! Call to see a demo of
these new time-saving features!
PowerPro DMS now supports Skins
* Change the Look of the User Interface to suit your tastes
* Over a dozen pre-defined skins
* Users can define their own skins to meet their own personal tastes
PowerPro DMS now offers an Integrated On-Line Parts Fiche Capability
* Quickly view Diagrams and Download Selected Parts into a Sale, RO,
Estimate, or PO
* Currently supports: HO, YA, SU, KA, Harley, Arctic Cat, Polaris, KTM,
Sea Doo and others...
PowerPro DMS now supports Repair Order Job Groups * Parts
and Labor can now be associated with and sub-totaled under a
specific job
* Define any number of Job Groups and Job Steps on each Repair Order
PowerPro DMS now offers an integrated F&I Menu
* Print the Menu Options for Customer Review (Life, Disability, GAP,
Protection Plans, etc)
* Add the Selected F&I Menu Options to the deal with a click of the
PartsManager Pro
Electronic Parts Catalog
PowerPro DMS now seamlessly
integrates with Snap-On's
PartsManager Pro Electronic
Parts Catalog.

Here's a quick look at some of our
products and services that may be of interest to you:
PowerPro - Dealer Management Software (Powersports,
Lawn & Garden, Marine, Auto, Rentals)
QBPrices - Price List Update/Import
Utility for QuickBooks Users
TBlaster - Automated Text Messaging Utility
Cloud Computing Services
Professional Training and Consultation Services
Computer Forms Automation Services
F&I Contracts, Forms, and Menu Products

QuickBooks Users |
Import Manufacturer
PriceFiles with Ease!
QBPrices Software
Work Smarter Not
Harder Large selection of price files. Import
all items or a subset. Leaves In Stock values
untouched. Saves many hours of tedious manual
entry. |
PowerPro DMS |
it for a Spin |
Request a test drive of
PowerPro DMS, QBPrices or TBlaster!
There's both a Cloud Option and an On-Site option!
Compare our
Features and our Price to any other product on the
We know you'll like the value of our solutions. |
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[SoftCom Technologies]
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